This Top Earner Blueprint works best in you can commit to at least four hours per day. If you only have two hours to build your business right now, NO PROBLEM. Simply cut the time you spend on each step in half. If you say you don’t have at least two hours per day to work on your dream, you have these three options. 

1) Get resourceful and find a few 30-minute pockets of time during your day to work on your dream. 

2) Get up an hour earlier and stay up an hour later to work on your dream. 

3) Get a bigger VISION that ignites you to get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later to invest in your dream

By the way, if you say you don’t have time to build your dreams yet you had time to watch Netflix and Amazon Prime this week, then what you are really saying is that you would rather spend your time watching tv than growing your personal wealth. Suppose you wanted the blueprint for staying broke. In that case, the simple formula is this: gripe, complain, live in the past, and spend your free time on the income-reducing machine (television). However, if you are serious about changing your life to live well and leave a legacy, here’s a blueprint that the top earners follow. A mentor of mine shared this with me, and I want to take this opportunity to pay it forward. So here we go. 

Action Step #1

20 MINUTES – Your VISION – Prayer, Meditation, and Visualization

Sit down first thing in the morning to pray, meditate, and visualize. Mentally rehearse and step into the vision of your future self that gets you fired up and motivated. Your goal is to sustain this mindset throughout the day. For myself, this means setting aside the first part of my day for prayer, worship, and studying God’s Word. It doesn’t have to be all day, but it does have to happen every day. One of my spiritual fathers, Pastor Larry Stockstill, says this. “Meditation is not the process of clearing your mind but of filling your mind with truth. It is like a rock displacing water in a vessel. Your mind is exposed continually to the doubt, atrocities, filth, and strife of the world around you. Trying to clear out those thoughts is very difficult, but there is a remedy: meditation upon God’s Word. It takes a conscious effort to focus your mind and heart upon the truth of God’s Word. Once you do, however, you will reap the benefits. Joshua 1:8 says, ‘Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.’ Reading the Bible is good, but meditation is life-changing, for it involves thinking about a verse until it drops from your mind into your heart. The root word meditate means “to mutter” or “to utter.” The more you speak the Word, the more it drops into your spirit. As you go about your daily business, speak the Word to yourself. Continually “mutter” it, mulling it over in your mind.”

Action Step #2 

15 MINUTES-Personal Growth / Personal Development 

Personal development, developing your mind, and working on yourself are vital to success. The top earners are constantly learning and growing. Spend at least 15 minutes per day working on YOU by feeding your mind material that sets your millionaire mind. Podcasts, books, training, tutorials, and audios force you to think bigger, get uncomfortable, and develop your unlimited potential prosperity mindset. If you are looking for suggestions, I would be happy to set up a 15-minute strategy session with you via phone or Zoom. 

Action Step #3

45 Minutes-Learn Something New Every Day

Invest in yourself every single day by learning something new about online and offline marketing. The top earners in direct sales are constantly refining their prospecting craft. Prospecting, lead generation, driving traffic to your offers, content creation, and video marketing all take time to master. You can’t learn it all in one day, but you can commit to LEARN SOMETHING new every day. When you provide value to the marketplace, your business will flourish. 

Action Step #4

1 Hour-Execution 

Knowledge without execution is worthless. Turn the knowledge you gain each day into CONTENT that builds your audience, business, and income. Here’s something you can bank on as a successful business owner. Whenever you consume, CREATE! It can be a FaceBook LIVE video, a social media post, a 1-on-1 conversation, or group zoom training you host. The more you stay consistent and show up daily for the people you serve by creating valuable content every day, the more trust and authority you will gain. Spend at least 1 hour per day creating content (we recommend Facebook if you’re just starting out). This content must serve your target market. Focus on addressing and giving them solutions to THEIR challenges, pains, and problems. As YOU get better, your audience will grow. As you get even better, some of your audience will find that you have a solution for them. Isn’t that the goal of good marketing? We SERVE people by exposing our products and services to people who are, right now, praying for an answer. 

Action Step #5

2 HOURS – Networking, Connecting with New People, Prospecting & Recruiting

This is THE money-making activity in ANY business. It is people who buy your products, services, and offers. It is your job as the CEO of your enterprise to connect with people looking for the benefit of your product. Your business is the customers you serve. You must build relationships if you want to develop long-term customers that pay you for years. Whether you’re connecting and networking with prospects on FaceBook or getting on the phone with people, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY FAST IN YOUR BUSINESS, YOU BETTER BE CONNECTING & NETWORKING WITH PEOPLE and getting as many exposures to your business & product presentations as possible. I love what one of my mentors says about the challenges of business building. “You can’t choose your results. You can only choose your disciplines, and your disciplines will choose your results for you.” Whether you have two hours per day or per week, the time isn’t as essential as the consistency. By committing yourself to consistently following through with weekly income-producing activities, your business will grow. You can’t control the outcome of an exposure, but the time you invest in exposing people to your products/services/business is directly correlated to your results.  

BUSINESS in any industry is nothing more than marketing and innovation. This is the 5-Step Daily Action Plan 100 percent of the top earners follow. This is the recipe for freedom. 

1) Commit to prayer, meditation, visualization and step into your VISION every single day.

2) Constantly grow as a person and feed your mind every single day. 

3) Continually learn new skills as a business owner every single day. 

4) Create content every single day that adds value to your audience. 

5) Consistently network with people who might be interested in your products/services/business every single day. 

Follow this daily, and you too can build a profitable business and finally LIVE YOUR DREAM! 

Make it a great day! 


P.S. If you found this post to be helpful, please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE! If I can add some value to your life, feel free to reach out. We’ll set up a 15-minute strategy session. 

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Bill Garner