I hope you had an opportunity to read 10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting: Part 1. In this article, I unveiled a report that shows ten ways to lose weight without dieting. This report shows you how to achieve long-term, sustainable results by making a few healthy and SIMPLE lifestyle tweaks. These are solutions you can implement today to start losing weight and keep it off for good! Let’s dive into Part 2. 

Say No to Sugar Especially in Beverages

Sugar is one of the biggest causes of obesity and heart disease and one of the best things you can cut out of your lifestyle to lose weight fast. Avoid processed high-sugary sodas, sugar-sweetened teas, high-sugar juice drinks, and coffee with mountains of sugar in it. By doing this, you will immediately cut out hundreds of calories per day from your diet. Replace sugar with healthy sugar alternatives like stevia and xylitol. For beverages, stick with water throughout the day.  

Eat Fruits, Vegetables, & Good Fats 

Organic fruits and vegetables will help your body get the proper vitamins and minerals required for optimal health. Green leafy vegetables in their most raw form will provide the most significant amount of nutrient-dense calories. They should make up the majority of your meals throughout the day. Most fruits and vegetables are low in caloric value and fat and high in fiber, which is a great combination to help you lose weight fast. And when you consume fat, keep your fats to the healthy, unsaturated, and unprocessed fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, olive oil, and coconut oil. 

Cut the Junk Food & Mindless Snacking 

If you have a pantry full of junk food and are used to snacking on chips, muffins, cereals, cinnamon buns, etc., throughout the day, this could be challenging at first. But eliminating these unhealthy snacks will go a long way towards achieving your goal of keeping the weight off. Avoid the temptation of sugary snacks by merely removing them from your home immediately. And instead, start stocking up on healthy whole grain snacks like raw almonds, unsweetened popcorn, fruits, and hummus & veggies.

We will wrap up with Part 3 later this week. Please check back in. If you received value from the post, please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE. 

You Rock! 



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Bill Garner