The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on our society. People are more concerned than ever about their physical well-being. Also, the constant news cycle that counts coronavirus deaths as if we were keeping score in an athletic event is elevating stress and anxiety at a level that I have never seen before in my lifetime. As an individual that has managed stress very well for most of his life, I would be lying if I didn’t confess that it’s taken its toll on me, too. 

It’s easy to get confused when it comes to health and nutrition. Even the most qualified experts seem to hold opposing views. Yet, despite all the disagreements, there is consensus on things we need to avoid to live a healthier life. Dr. Michael Garko, the host of Let’s Talk Nutrition, recently met with our consultants and shared the 7 deadly sins of behaviors and events that can contribute to ill health. In this era of the pandemic, we all need to be aware of what steps to take to avoid the behaviors that lead to sickness. 

  1. Processed Foods-When the lockdown began, people were forced inside. As fear rose, people rushed to supermarkets and stocked up. Unfortunately, many people stocked up on comfort foods–cookies, crackers, and chips. Processed foods are bad news for healthy living. 
  2. Surplus Calories-Obesity contributes to a host of chronic diseases, and sadly COVID-19 has added 19 plus pounds to many people.  
  3. Stress in Excess-The constant cycle of news and its panic porn has caused a pandemic of anxiety. The suicide prevention hotline has had a 600 percent increase since the lockdown began in March.    
  4. Sleep Deficiency: If you are sleep deprived, you are flirting with danger. Anxiety and stress contribute to insomnia more than any other factor. 
  5. Stimulants and Depressants-With COVID-related stress on the rise, so is the use of alcohol and drugs. According to a recent national survey, Americans are reporting a 55 percent increase in alcohol consumption. When it comes to illicit drugs, 36 percent of Americans report increased use of marijuana and prescription opioids. 
  6. Sedentary Lifestyle-Too much news, Netflix, and Amazon Prime are creating too many couch potatoes. As the mainstream news and mass media encourage people to stay home and stay tuned, sitting around all day with little or no activity is a one-way trip to chronic illness. 
  7. Social and Spiritual Inadequacy-Lockdowns have been disastrous to people’s emotional and spiritual health. Schools and churches have been shuttered. Social distancing has created a pandemic of loneliness. 

What can we do to combat these Seven Deadly Sins? Over the next few weeks, be on the lookout for tips and strategies that we can utilize to help us navigate the new year and live happier and healthier lives. 

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To your health! 

Bill Garner



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Bill Garner