person writing on white bookYesterday’s blog post focused on why people say no to network marketing. The vast majority of people who decline an offer, no matter how compelling it is, are saying no mostly out of ignorance. Let me explain what I mean. In today’s economic system, it’s costing you money to not have a home-based business. Here’s why. The IRS has a tax system that is set up for two kinds of people. The employee tax system is designed to take your wealth. The system that is designed for the self-employed and those who understand the tax system is designed to create wealth and economic growth.

The 21st century economic climate is one where more and more people are coming to the realization that true wealth and financial freedom cannot be generated by being an employee. While many understand this, they fail to act on a plan to change their circumstances mainly for two reasons: no money and no time. I hear the no money objection all the time, and that’s why it’s important to understand this key point. By not having a home-based business, you are losing money in a tax system that is, 100 percent of the time, geared against the employee. By understanding how much money you can save in taxes by owning a home business, you can not only offset how much it cost to get started, but you actually have a fair shot at changing your financial future. Let’s face it. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Courtney EppsThat’s why tax specialist Courtney Epps believes you would be brain-dead not to own a business. In her book More Relaxing, Less Taxing, she clearly lays out how to legally and ethically take advantage of all the tax incentives that are available to the home-business entrepreneur. How many more prospects would say yes to a really powerful business idea if they understood this financial reality?

That’s why it’s incumbant upon professional network marketers to grow their knowledge base. The good companies with high-quality, high-integrity leaders provide their representatives and consultants with the training and tools to be successful. Most people struggle financially because our school systems have done a poor job of teaching financial education. The best direct sales companies cultivate a culture of personal growth and development, so that their people can be better stewards of their finances. If you build people, the people will build the business.

To your success!




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Bill Garner