Your Facebook Profile can be a powerful tool for growing any business on social media IF you use it correctly and with the right strategy. Unfortunately, most new social media marketers make many BIG mistakes that actually drive people away from them before they even have a chance to get to know them. PLUS, they miss out on many powerful tools, features, and “real-estate” opportunities that can help you get more leads and make more sales. 

Here are 5 Missed “Pieces of Real Estate” in your Facebook profile that most marketers completely miss out on and how to optimize them to turn your social media into a powerful lead generation and sales tool!

Profile Picture

Your profile picture should be updated every once in a while. Ideally, this photo should be a high-quality photo of just you. Never use a company logo, picture of your pet, or anything else. Hence, a personal photo of you, looking engaging, welcoming, and happy, is critical.

Cover Photo

Your cover photo should communicate a message to your ideal audience. This is a perfect piece of real estate to use to engineer the perception your prospects and visitors will have of you. What is the first impression you want to make with your ideal audience? What message do you want to send? How do you want to be perceived? What are the values you stand for and want to connect with others? Think about what will help you connect with your ideal prospects and use a photo that conveys that.

The Intro Section

Please don’t fill in too many details here, as it makes it too busy and confusing. Be strategic with the websites you add here. Don’t add too many. Keep it focused. Where do you want to send your ideal prospects? What would be their next best step?

Bonus Tip: Do not post the name of your home business here or a link. Your main objective is to create curiosity. If you give away too much information about your business, most prospects will prejudge based on a lack of information.  

The Text Under Your Profile Picture

This is a powerful piece of real estate, so make sure you communicate an engaging message that will speak directly to your ideal audience. Make it fun and interesting to let visitors get a feel for who you are and what you stand for.

Featured Photos

Your featured photos are precious real estate that you should use to communicate a message visually. Choose photos that say something about who you are, who you know, who you serve, what you do, your passions, interests, hobbies, etc. Depending on the message you want to communicate to your ideal audience, choose the images you show here strategically so that they connect with who you are and want to learn more about you and what you do. 


There you have it! Fixing up these five key pieces of social media real estate can help you grow your online presence and attract prospects to you. 

If you would like to fully optimize your Facebook profile and use it to actually ATTRACT your best prospects to you and generate high-quality leads, connect with me to schedule a custom Facebook Profile Audit & Strategy Session today! I look forward to hearing from you soon.



P.S. Are you ready to book a strategy session on how you can get your Facebook page working for you. Click here to set up an appointment.

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Bill Garner