It’s been said that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If that’s true, then your Facebook page might be laced with the kind of vinegar that is destroying your brand and your business. People do business with those they like, know, and trust. Facebook provides consumers a glimpse of who people are. 

Did you know that what you post could be stifling the growth of your business? Your Facebook post demeaning the political party you don’t identify with is angering half of your potential customer base. Your angry post complaining of how bad the service was at the restaurant, how awful your child’s teacher is, or how mistreated you are at work is not the best way to attract people into your network. Losing your cool on Facebook is a red flag for most people. Now, some believe that speaking out on Facebook shows commitment to a worthy cause. However, I think that venting on social media can do more harm than good, and ultimately, it can destroy your brand and your business. Here are three reasons why. 

Reason #1-Voice Intonation

What we post, email or text can often get misinterpreted. Without the presence of voice intonation, a person reading a post is likely to misread your intent. How we say something is every bit as important as what we say. Our tone will determine whether we are heard or ignored. I am less likely to be receptive to someone if he/she is shouting. 

Reason #2-Facial Expression

So much of what we communicate is through our facial expressions. When we voice our concerns about issues, people need to see our faces, even in this era of masks. Humans can discern a person’s intent by looking at his/her face. A smile goes a long way even amid conflict. Emojis are no substitute for a person’s face.

Reason #3-Body Language

Body language can often be the deciding factor in conflict-resolution. Body language accounts for 55 percent of communication. How we carry ourselves is often more important than the words we speak. Holding your head up slightly signals confidence. Making eye contact signals concern and compassion. It says to the person, “I’m listening.” 

Final Thoughts

In the year that was 2020, unfriending was more trendy than friending. Canceling people became the status quo. People broke off relationships with friends, family members, and colleagues because of social media posts. Would these relationships have been severed if the words posted on Facebook were said over a cup of coffee or a beer? Think about this from a business perspective. If good friends and family members were willing to break off relationships with each other because of Facebook posts and comments, imagine what potential customers were doing every time they read something that went against what they believed. Like it or not, every post we make is either building or destroying our brand. I’ve always believed that if you have an issue with someone, you tell them. If you want to offer praise to someone, you tell them and everyone else. 

If 2021 will be the kind of year where we positively impact the world around us, let’s remember what many of our mothers taught us growing up. “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” This is especially true on Facebook.  

I hope you received value from this post. If you think others could benefit from this, please like, comment, and share on your social media sites. 

You Rock! 


P.S. Are you interested in generating more leads online to grow your business? I recently attended a training that showed me how to generate 9 RED HOT LEADS per day on Facebook without paying for ads. I’d like to give this FREE Training away to you. This is my way of saying thank you for checking out my blog. Click below to gain access to the FREE Training. 



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Bill Garner