Getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly essential for your overall health and wellness. Over the past year, sleep deprivation has been on the rise. Recent studies suggest that at least 50 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder. Anxiety, as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic, has no doubt exacerbated the problems of insomnia. People are struggling with a loss of control and uncertainty. For some, sheltering in place wasn’t too much of a problem. Still, for others, the sensory overload of information that came from the media triggered higher stress levels.
As our minds race, our body’s arousal system response becomes elevated, which can trigger insomnia. Also, a loss of daytime structure can upset nighttime sleep routines. Getting adequate sleep supports a healthy immune system, reducing our risk of infection and improving the outcome for people fighting a virus. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can weaken our body’s defense system and make us susceptible to many health problems.
While it’s perfectly normal to have a certain level of fear, too much anxiety can be problematic. Instead of spending time and energy worrying, now is a great time to begin channeling that energy into things that we can actually control: self-care. In addition, getting 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep may reduce our risk of developing certain chronic illnesses. It will also keep our brain and digestion healthy. And finally, better sleep supports our immune system.
There are many strategies that we can implement to promote good sleep. The easiest, by far, is making some simple changes to our diet. According to Healthline, these nine foods are known to promote better sleep. Try them out to see if they can help you.
1. Almonds
2. Turkey
3. Chamomile Tea
4. Kiwi
5. Tart Cherry Juice
6. Fatty Fish
7. Walnuts
8. Passionflower Tea
9. White Rice
Getting quality sleep is critical for maintaining good health. The foods we consume can help because of their content of sleep-regulating hormones and brain chemicals, including melatonin and serotonin. Also, many foods contain large amounts of antioxidants and nutrients that are known to enhance sleep.
I hope you found this information to be helpful. Feel free to reach out and throw out a comment. Also, let us know if you have a food suggestion that we can add to this list.
To Your Health!
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