Many people believe that good health and longevity are determined mainly by genetics. However, genes play a much smaller role than initially thought. Environmental factors, like diet and lifestyle, are crucial. There’s no way to prevent the aging process, but that doesn’t mean we have to age poorly. Here are twelve habits that we can implement today to ensure a happier, healthier, and more abundant life. 

1) Don’t Smoke

Need I say more? Smoking is strongly linked to premature death, and it places an enormous burden on our health care profession. It’s important to remember that it’s never too late to quit. Science reveals that you can begin adding years to your life today if you will just put the tobacco away. 

2) Moderate Your Alcohol Intake

A heavy alcohol intake can contribute to several health problems, including pancreatic, liver, and heart disease. Wine is considered beneficial because of its high content of polyphenol antioxidants. It’s important to consider that no strong research indicates that moderate drinking benefits are greater than those of abstaining from alcohol. In other words, don’t feel compelled to start drinking if you don’t usually consume alcohol.

3) Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is the first rule of good health and nutrition. Mild dehydration can affect you physically and mentally, so make sure you get plenty of water every single day. It’s one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

4) Drink Coffee or Tea

This makes me very happy. There is nothing I look forward to in the morning more than that first cup of coffee. Research shows that consuming coffee and tea can reduce the risk of chronic disease. Remember that too much caffeine can cause anxiety and insomnia, so the keyword is moderation. 

5) Avoid Eating Too Much

There is a definite link between calorie intake and longevity. Obesity can reduce life expectancy by up to 8 years and take away as much as 19 years of healthy life due to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

6) Eat More Plant-Based Foods

Eating various plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and beans, may decrease disease risk and promote wellness and longevity. Numerous studies reveal that a plant-rich diet may reduce the risk of premature death. These effects are attributed to nutrients and antioxidants found in plant-based foods. 

7) Eat Plenty of Nuts

Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are rich in fiber, protein, antioxidants, and beneficial plant compounds. Numerous studies have revealed that nuts have beneficial effects on heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, and diabetes. Including some nuts in your daily diet may keep you healthy. 

8) Consider Tumeric in Your Diet

Turmeric may be one of the most effective nutritional supplements on the market today. Many studies show that it provides significant benefits for your body and brain. Curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and the research suggests that consuming it regularly can increase lifespan.

9) Avoid Stress and Anxiety

Significant stress and anxiety are linked to the six leading causes of death in our country: coronary heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. Finding ways to ways to reduce anxiety and stress levels can extend your lifespan. Limit the amount of news you consume each day. For some, avoiding the news altogether may be essential. Monitor your use of social media. Studies are coming out each year that show a correlation between social media intake and an increase in depression. Facebook and Instagram are great platforms to connect and reconnect, but they can also be tools of comparison and places where people retreat from real-life interactions. Consider activities that reduce stress. Find a hobby or get involved in a project that allows you to serve others. I have discovered that the best medicine for getting my mind off of my issues is to pour into someone else. 

10) Plan a Trip

Taking a vacation can be fun, and it can also help provide many health benefits. Having a trip on the calendar can improve mood and outlook on life. A host of studies have highlighted the potential cardiovascular-health benefits of taking regular vacations. As the world opens up again after the COVID-19 lockdowns, there’s no better time to start planning that next vacation than right now. Check out my recent post, Four Reasons Why You Should Travel Now. 

11) Get Quality Sleep

I recently published an article about why people are struggling with insomnia Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial to cell function and recovery. It’s important to note that getting too much sleep is almost as bad as not getting enough sleep. The key is getting quality sleep, so developing a sleep habit that includes 7–8 hours of sleep each night will produce long-term benefits. 

12) Exercise Daily

We’ve heard about the importance of exercise for years, so we all know that being active provides many health benefits, including weight management, brain health, strengthening bones and muscles, and improving our ability to complete everyday activities. Here’s the bottom line. Research shows that physical activity can reduce our risk of dying early from heart disease and some cancers. Only a few lifestyle choices have a more significant impact on our health than physical activity. You don’t have to do high amounts of intense exercise to reduce your risk of premature death. The benefits begin to accumulate with any regular movement, so now is the best time to start. Commit to 150 minutes per week, and before you know it, you’ll feel better than you ever have. 

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To your Health and Abundance! 

Bill Garner

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Bill Garner