Today is a day to celebrate. The United States is finally lifting its COVID testing requirement to return to America. Here’s an article from Forbes.

Travel is back. The demand for travel is skyrocketing, even as our country battles record-level inflation. Resorts, cruise ships, and hotels are seeing a robust return to pre-pandemic levels and even higher. The only obstacle for most people now is affordability. As plane tickets continue to get more expensive. some people are having to say no to a trip for budgetary reasons. What if I told you that saying no to travel could mean saying no to better health? 

Traveling is good for the body and is one of the best things that you can do to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. No longer should travel be considered a luxury. If you want to live a long, happy, and productive life, travel has to be considered a priority. Medical science and the testimonies of others are proving that regular travel helps your physical health, with many travelers saying that it’s also excellent for your soul and your spirit. As triune beings made in the image of God, cultivating a healthy lifestyle is more than just diet and exercise. Taking care of our mind, our will and our emotions are vital, and being in environments that feed our spirit is truly what leads to a life filled with both passion and purpose. 

Taking Care of our Bodies 

We’ve all heard about the benefits of moving. Nothing like a well-planned vacation to get you out of the recliner or away from your desk. The more activity you do, the more you get your heart pumping. Remember that the heart is a muscle, and it needs to be worked on constantly to grow faster. You’ll also support your arteries, which means you reduce the risk of high cholesterol problems and elevated blood pressure.

Did you know that the average person will spend over $10,000 per year on health care, yet when it comes to traveling, many will argue that they don’t have the money? When it comes to your health, can you really afford to say no to travel? Well, according to the Framingham Heart Study, people who don’t take vacation days for years are more likely to suffer from heart diseases than those who traveled frequently.

Want a healthy heart? Want to promote a healthy lifestyle? Go see the world because TRAVEL IS BACK! 

To your health! 







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Bill Garner